
How To Tell Your Roof Needs Attention

Three Signs Your Roof Needs Repair Before Winter

The lazy, hazy days of summer are coming to an end in Australia. But, before winter arrives and brings its chilly temperature-dropping blast, it is time to attend to any outstanding house maintenance tasks. This is the perfect time of year to get roof repairs done because even the most minor issue has a significant impact. So, if you are unsure whether your roof requires repairs and you cannot get onto the roof to do a visual inspection, here are three signs something is amiss on top of your house.

High Energy Bills

Did you have higher than average energy bills over the summer period, but you could not identify the source of the electricity increase? Chances are your roof is to blame. A small hole in your roofing cover is all that is required to let extra hot air into your home. This hot air increase means your air conditioning system must work harder to keep your home cool. So, if you do not want to pay higher than average heating bills this winter, arrange to repair all roof holes.

Ceiling Stains

Another way to check if your roof needs repair without climbing a ladder is to check the ceiling of each room in your home. In particular, you are looking for obvious signs of water stains. Water that enters through the roof pools on top of the ceiling. Eventually, it leaks through and shows a noticeable mark. It may appear in the corner of the room, or it may appear in the centre of the ceiling. Water stains are an issue because standing water left on your ceiling eventually rots through. Therefore, if you do not want to be up for the cost of replacing your ceilings, then you need to identify where in the roof the water is entering and get it fixed.

Extra Light In The Ceiling Cavity

A third way to identify your roof needs repairs is to find the access point to your ceiling cavity. Every home has one, and it is often located either in the garage or in the laundry room. The access point looks like a square with trim around it. Place a ladder under the access point, climb up the ladder and push the access panel upwards. The board will move, and you can then climb higher to look into the ceiling cavity. You are looking for obvious signs of light coming through the roof covering. A roof is solid, so light penetrating is evidence of holes or other damage.

Using these three tips, you now know when to contact a local roofing contractor to arrange for roof repairs.

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How To Tell You Roof Needs Attention

A home's roof is relied upon to keep the weather elements out, but without maintenance and regular inspections, a roof can fail to do its job. All homeowners must know the basics of roof maintenance and inspection if they wish to make sure their roof never fails at an inopportune time, and that's where these posts of information come in. Whether you want to know what to look for during an inspection or whether you wish to find out where water is entering through your home's roof, you have come to the right place to find the answers you need.


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