
How To Tell Your Roof Needs Attention

Essential Things to Consider When Selecting Roofing Tiles for Your Re-Roofing Project

Time to replace your old, weathered roof? Tile is one of the oldest and best roofing options available for your re-roofing project. Initially made of terracotta (fired clay), roofing tiles now come in a wider variety of materials including concrete, metal, wood and natural stone. Tiles also come in different shapes, sizes, colours and finishes to further add to their versatility.

Here are some essential factors to ponder over in determining the best roofing tiles for your roof replacement project.

Your Local Climate 

The climate of your location can be described as the weather averages of the area over a long time. It is a key factor to take into account when you're picking roofing tiles for your re-roofing job.

The tile type you choose should withstand daily exposures to local weather conditions over time. Plus, it shouldn't require a lot of minimal maintenance effort to keep looking pristine. 

For example, concrete roofing tiles are a suitable choice for homes located in areas where hailstorms are common. These tiles are incredibly strong and durable and can provide the protection homeowners need from hail damage.

If you live in a coastal area, you may need to avoid installing a metal tile roof because of its high susceptibility to rust and corrosion.

Your House Architecture and Design

Not all roof tiles will work for all homes. The architecture and design of your home should guide your choice of the appropriate roof tiles for the home. The type of tile you select should blend in nicely with the overall look of the structure.

For example, clay tiles are still the perfect roofing material for traditional style homes while new tile types, such as metal tiles, add a touch of modernity to residential structures.

The Level of Tile Roofing Maintenance Required

All roofing tiles require on-going care to last long. However, the level of tile roofing maintenance required varies from product to product. This means that some tiles require a higher level of care than others when used in certain environments. For example, concrete tiles are a better choice than wood tiles for colder climates because they resist humidity and bacterial growths better.

Aside from the above factors, there are many other factors to look at when choosing roof tiles for your roof replacement project. A residential roofing professional  can explain your options for tile roof in greater detail and help you make the best choice for your needs.

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How To Tell You Roof Needs Attention

A home's roof is relied upon to keep the weather elements out, but without maintenance and regular inspections, a roof can fail to do its job. All homeowners must know the basics of roof maintenance and inspection if they wish to make sure their roof never fails at an inopportune time, and that's where these posts of information come in. Whether you want to know what to look for during an inspection or whether you wish to find out where water is entering through your home's roof, you have come to the right place to find the answers you need.


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