
How To Tell Your Roof Needs Attention

Three Common Causes Of Roofing Leaks

The harsh storms of summer are now over in Australia, but that does not mean there will be no more rain for the rest of the year. Now, the more settled weather means it is a perfect time to consider getting any roof repairs done. However, before you pick up the phone to contact a roofer, it is a good idea to have a closer look at the roof so that you can determine what is causing the roof to leak. There are three common reasons why roofs leak, so use this checklist to see if you can determine where the problem is originating from.

Storm Debris Buildup 

Summer storms in Australia are fierce and violent. The driving rain and strong winds move tree debris over hundreds of kilometres, and plenty of it lands on the roof of your home. When this debris buildup is left on the roof it contributes to leaks. The first reason why is that water gets trapped beneath the debris and seeps through the roof over time. Secondly, when water cannot drain away through normal channels, such as guttering, then it looks for somewhere else to go. Once storm debris is removed, a roofer can check for any roof damage and repair it as needed.

Broken Tiles

If you have tiles on your roof, then this is another common reason why a roof develops leaks. When heavy debris land on the roof during storms, it is not unusual for that impact to break tiles. Additionally, tiles break over time due to age. Broken tiles need to be replaced because rainwater moves through them and into the ceiling cavity below. Depending on the age of the roof, your roofer can replace specific tiles or it may be time to discuss a full roof replacement.

Protrusion Seal Failure

If you look to the roof of your house, you may notice at least one protrusion rising out of it. Some houses have chimneys for the fireplace, others also have plumbing overflow pipes, and other homes have whirly-birds in place to help with cooling the air within. Each protrusion needs the roof to be cut to allow its insertion, and over time, the seal around these fails and the rain now has a new way to enter your home. It is best to let your roofer get onto the roof to check each of these seals so that you don't risk any injury to yourself due to the height.

Take the time to arrange for a roofer to inspect the top of your home now so that you can reduce the impact of any roof leaks.

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How To Tell You Roof Needs Attention

A home's roof is relied upon to keep the weather elements out, but without maintenance and regular inspections, a roof can fail to do its job. All homeowners must know the basics of roof maintenance and inspection if they wish to make sure their roof never fails at an inopportune time, and that's where these posts of information come in. Whether you want to know what to look for during an inspection or whether you wish to find out where water is entering through your home's roof, you have come to the right place to find the answers you need.


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